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Bordeaux School of public health • May 20th – June 28th, 2019

Course n°2 - Web-based data processing & analysis (WEBDATA)

G. Bordea: Researcher, medical informatics, University of Bordeaux – French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) - Bordeaux Population Health Center (CRI U1219), France

R. Bourqui: Adjunct professor, University of Bordeaux, France

B. Chaix: Senior research scientist, Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (iPLESP), Paris, France

S. Cossin: University hospital assistant, University of Bordeaux - Bordeaux School of Public Health (ISPED), France

G. Diallo: Associate professor, informatics, University of Bordeaux – ISPED, France

F. Mougin: Associate professor, medical informatics, University of Bordeaux – ISPED, France